
Loss adjusting services specialising in subsidence

House Holder

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Technical Services

Loss Adjusting, Engineering and Surveying services

Welcome To Maules

We are an independent firm of loss adjusters and incorporate surveying and engineering experience to create a technical claim consultancy that we believe is hard to match. Maule & Co has been delivering adjusting services to the insurance industry for over 30 years. Before that, B.H.Maule & Partners offered professional consultancy to its’ clients. Overall we have a 40 + year history and are experienced in looking at and dealing with domestic property claims where structural damage requires assessment, specification and repair.

Our core activity is in the field of domestic insurance claims for subsidence damage. We don’t only do subsidence work; using our core skills and experience we are able to offer a variety of services such as technical review and dispute resolution in the context of domestic insurance claims, expert witness work and general defect diagnosis.

This website was primarily set up to provide general information to assist policyholders in relation to those claims we handle for our Insurer clients as well as to introduce ourselves to prospective Insurer clients.

Our FAQ section is quite large and mostly focussed on subsidence related insurance claims. Although not comprehensive, we hope it will answer your questions or at least point you in the right direction.

Contact Us

Tel: 01582 602260

Frequently Asked

What is a Loss Adjuster?
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What guarantees do I get when my house is repaired?
Read Answer

See all the Frequently Asked Questions!