Expert Witness
Our primary service is for third party subsidence recoveries where tree root nuisance is cited as a material cause in property damage. Whether you are acting for a Claimant or a Defendant in a possible claim we are able to draw on our specialist experience of subsidence claim handling including technical evaluation of site data, assessment of quantum and where appropriate, undertaking additional inspections and testing to obtain specific technical evidence.
We are also able to offer qualified and experienced opinion in respect of professional negligence claims.
Broadly speaking and depending upon the nature and extent of your instructions, there will be two types of task; one will be desktop review for the purposes of providing an initial view as to whether or not a case might be viable should the matter proceed to Court, it may also be to provide a CPR Compliant report where the gathered evidence is sufficient to be able to provide an opinion and if necessary attend the Court.
The other type of work would be likely to involve undertaking inspections and appropriate tests/further investigations and then providing a report. We will seek instructions from you before committing to any additional expenses from outside contractors.
Contact Us
Tel: 01582 602260